更新日: 2024年6月4日
The city of Ichikawa has established sister/friendship/partner city relations with five foreign cities, and has conducted various exchange programs with them. Also, Ichikawa City has been proactively promoting international exchanges as well as multiculturalism. One example among many other things is the Foreign Residents' Assistance Desk, which has been set up in two locations (open daily on weekdays) in the city.
We can see the impact of international exchanges with our sister/friendship/partner cities in various places in the city. Let’s review them on the map!
・市川市役所 外国人相談窓口(市役所第1庁舎1階、行徳支所1階)・国際交流課 (八幡1-1-1 市役所第1庁舎4階)
You can get the English guide at:
・The Foreign Residents' Assistance Desk (1F, City Hall / Ground floor, the Gyotoku Branch Office)
・The Division of International Relations (4F, City Hall, 1-1-1, Yawata)